Everyone's Favorite Foot Question

One of the first questions patients often ask me when I begin their foot and ankle examination is… You guessed it!

“Dr. Rollandini, why did you become a podiatrist?”

This is usually followed hastily, without me being able to answer the first question, by asking how I can work on “stinky” feet all day? To answer the latter question first… I try my best not to “smell” them, but most feet don’t have an odor anyway, phew, not to be confused with “pee-yew.”  On a serious note, I have an immense appreciation for what our feet carry out for us every day!

So back to the first question- I was always interested in science and medicine. I remember in Kindergarten dressing as a veterinarian for my very first career day. After aspirations of being a vet for several years, it took the loss of a family pet to realize that was not the right fit for me.

It was back to the drawing board of life, I then thought I may follow in my mother’s footsteps and pursue a career in healthcare. During a portion of my high school and college summers I was able to work at a local hospital where my passion for healthcare was further kindled.

However, finding the perfect medical niche was somewhat challenging, as several areas appealed to me. Finally, a podiatric surgical procedure being performed in the operating room sparked my interest to learn more about a career in foot and ankle medicine. As an active athlete who excelled in the sciences and after several podiatric shadowing experiences, it was clear this was the sole profession for me. Since then, I’ve jumped in with both feet and never looked back.

I can honestly say I love my chosen profession and I think this is evident to every patient I treat.

*You will find most of my blogs professional and informative. However, as this one is more personal, it is more light-hearted and a little “punny.”

~Dr. R

Jobeth Rollandini